Planet Carlton

Gentle Reader -- You are welcome to peruse my web-based journal. I assure you that my contributions to this medium will be both infrequent and inconsequential. Read on!

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Sunday, May 06, 2007


Link to parody of internal World Bank memo from Wolfie:

I hope that by now, most of you have accepted my sincere apology for the unusual
pay and promotion package given two years ago to your colleague, Ms. Shaha Riza.
That is, when I arrived here from my position helping to plan and manage the
Iraq war for the Bush administration. I have acknowledged my mistakes (at my
present job, that is), and asked for your understanding. As staff, you
understand how difficult it can be to navigate the Bank’s complex rules and
procedures. Please do NOT regard my small slip as providing moral cover for poor
developing-country client states that are not able to meet the good governance
conditions we ask before disbursing aid.

This and the last bit were pillaged from Eric Alterman's site.


Bruce Bartlett in National Review:

At some point, politically sophisticated conservatives will have to recognize
that no Republican can win in 2008 and that their only choice is to support the
most conservative Democrat for the nomination. Call me crazy, but I think that
person is Hillary Clinton.

I'm not posting this to say he's wrong, I'm posting it to say -- what a difference three years make!

Comments by: YACCS