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Monday, March 31, 2003
SAY WHAT? He's sent our troops out into the desert without enough food. They are getting handouts from Iraqi refugees. I am speechless. PARABLE At a lawyer-type seminar once, I heard a creaky old attorney tell a story about an elderly couple who had all their money in joint savings accounts -- quite a bit of money, considering they were blue-collar folks, which they had accumulated through decades of very frugal, very careful living. When her husband died, the old lady (let's call her Ethel) decided to put her son (Bart) on the joint accounts to help her manage them. Bart promply emptied all the saving accounts and lost ALL the money at the racetrack on a single afternoon. Ethel's nest egg was gone, although she still had her very modest home, which she and her husband had bought over thirty years, making every payment on time. Later, after her tax return went through, a nice young man from the IRS showed up at the Ethel's door to inform her that, because Bart hadn't contributed any money to the accounts that he emptied, his withdrawal of the funds was deemed a GIFT for tax purposes from Ethel to Bart. In short, Ethel owed GIFT TAX on the money that Bart had lost. She had to sell her home to pay it, and ended up completely destitute in a state home. Bart was nowhere to be found. Why am I telling this pathetic story (a real story, I didn't make it up)? I am reminded of it when I think of what George W. Bush is doing to our country -- squandering in an instant what it took his predecessors decades to acquire -- international goodwill, credibility, the moral high ground (on some fronts). And, much like in Ethel's case, the further repercussions of Bush's actions have yet to be felt. Whether or not Bush gets reelected next time, the damage is done. He will never be able to make it up to us -- how could he? And the odds are that he will never even try -- or admit that he did anything wrong. I've said it before, but being W means never having to say you're sorry. Hold on, everyone. Thursday, March 27, 2003
DECISION 2004 So, I've decided how I will vote in 2004 -- for whomever the Democrats put up. Kerry, Gephardt, Dean, Hillary Clinton, Al Gore again, whomever. If they run Anna Nicole Smith, I'll vote for her drug-addled self (and her dog, Sugar-pie, for VP!). If the Democrats run Michael Jackson, he's my candidate. If they run a monkey, a potted plant, an ashtray, it's got my vote. No Ralph Naders, no H. Ross Rerots, no third parties at all BECAUSE the point of all this is that I want NO MORE of George W. Bush. This all assumes we are having elections next time. We may not, at this rate. Update: Uh, I was joking. But they'd better start thinking such thoughts, because their crass arrogance, bullyboy behavior, and desperate flailing around militarily have energized the world against them, and are starting to make inroads even into the fearful American polity, who are starting to wonder whether these are the best leaders for our already scary times. (There are rumors circulating that the Bush Administration is examining options to call off the 2004 elections, to take care of that possibility outright. And, if not, to ensure that most of us vote by computer touch-screens, with no paper trail with which to double-check the results.) HOW YOUNG ARE YOU? The answer, of course, is "just young enough." All of us have a particular age when we started paying attention to the larger world, and for each of us the events that happened before that date, even if only by a year or two, are the stuff of history, known — sporadically and imperfectly — from the dry and analytic intake of books and TV documentaries. Everything after is part of our life and evokes the full range of emotional response that's normal for events that we personally experience. I liked this blog entry (found here if the link works). I remember Carter losing to Reagan, I remember when Elvis died (barely), I remember when Star Wars came out. I do not remember anything about Gerald Ford. I remember a man in church praying about "the new decade" in 1979. ANOTHER POST LOST The world is a poorer place, fer sure. Note to self: the "Publish" button and the "Back" button are not the same. Tuesday, March 25, 2003
WELCOME So, today I had SEVEN unique visitors (the Lord made us all special, you know). That's pretty normal for a weekday. I estimate that I have an occasional regular readership in the low teens. I can only recognize you by your servers, though I know who some of you are by that alone (I only have one reader that I know of at Indiana University, only one who works for Forbes, and my troll is served by "charter"). Some are truly intriguing -- I didn't think I knew ANYONE at Mississippi State, but he/she/it appears fairly regularly. What's this all about? Come on in! Have some biscuits! Thank you for your patronage! (And now, just to increase my presence on Google: Star Trek Fan Fiction, Gwen Stefani, Ebola virus, animal porn, Hitler) NEW DIGS So I have successfully made my move from no-bedroom apartment in Allston to two-bedroom apartment in Jamaica Plain. This is certainly a step up for yours truly. If anyone out there needs a room, close to the Orange Line and #39 bus, let me know! I'm thinking a housewarming will be in order, maybe around May (when I lose my job)! Also, if my anonymous correspondant wants to continue to send me postcards (as she did yesterday), she should do some research re: my new address. The old one will not work for me anymore! WHAT, NO CURLY FRIES? From a young U.S. Marine in Iraq: "I've been all the way through this desert from Basra to here and I ain't seen one shopping mall or fast food restaurant," he said. "These people got nothing. Even in a little town like ours of twenty five hundred people you got a McDonald's at one end and a Hardee's at the other." More here. Friday, March 21, 2003
SO YOU WANT TO BE A ROCK AND ROLL STAR, I MEAN, A LAWYER Some general advice (Solicited by Greg, for a friend): Don't do it unless it's really what you want to do. Don't go to law school "by default". You'll hate it, your life, and yourself. You'll blame your friends and family for pushing you into it, when really, uh, they didn't. Don't pay big bucks to go to a mediocre school. Many are expensive and crummy, many are cheap and crummy, a few are expensive and good, few are cheap and good. If you can't get the quality/expense ratio to work out, DON'T GO. Nothing is more miserable than a mountain of debt and no way to pay it back! (I owe $61,000 in student loans, which is $741.00/month. MANY of my colleagues who went to expensive undergrads owe well over $100,000. Think about it.) If you are young, take some time off before going -- at least a year. Don't go "straight through". Try to find out what it is that lawyers do all day (in reality). Make sure that's what you want to do all day for the rest of your life. My thoughts. Thursday, March 20, 2003
ROBOTS IN DISGUISE This is pretty funny. "Private Prime! What is your major malfunction?" I have a female friend who once admitted that she had a longstanding crush on Optimus Prime, even through high school. Freakish. (Not like me and Daphne from Scooby-Doo -- we had a real relationship.) Wednesday, March 19, 2003
PROTEST On a whim, I bought three Dixie Chicks CDs last night. I haven't bought a (non-blank) CD in months. What a stupid gesture! NO SHOW So my posts aren't showing up. How charming. Is blogger in one of her passive-aggressive moods again? Hmmm? Tuesday, March 18, 2003
SUPPORT THE TROOPS The only person I know that has been sent to "the region" is my old friend Heather McD, friend from high school and early college. At some point, she joined the Alabama National Guard (as a pharmacist's aide, I think) -- she sent an email recently saying that she had been called up and would ship out soon. For a while now, Heather has worked with the court system in Birmingham, providing a degree of counseling to convicted criminals who suffer from drug addiction. We made contact sometime in 2002 after years of silence -- she's been married and divorced and married again. She's thinking of going to law school. She wrote me once to tell me about her basic training; she had been taught to throw a grenade and to shoot an M-16. I hope that she doesn't have to do either one in the near future. WAR Bush has gotten his way, yet again. I listened to the speech, came away sick. Playing off something that Robin Cook said in his resignation speech (no time to link, sorry) -- in case it hasn't been said enough, this war belongs to George W. Bush. He has chosen it, forced it, expended an enormous amount of political capital to make it happen, and it is his. No other candidate in 2000 wanted such a war, not Bill Bradley or John McCain or even Pat Buchanan (if he was a candidate -- I honestly don't remember). As a result, the consequences are his as well. If this war brings peace, prosperity and glory to our nation, then W should rightfully get all the credit. If it turns into a unnavigable quagmire that signals the ultimate decline of our nation (as I fear), then that will belong to him as well. If it does go badly, however, don't expect him to take any lumps -- being W means never having to say you're sorry. SCOOPED Well, Molly beat me to the punch by referring to Bush and Blair as the Superfriends -- I was going to say that little Azores "summit" was like a meeting between Batman and Robin (with Alfred thrown in for good measure, played by Spain) on whether or not the Joker is a bad guy. But she beat me to it. Friday, March 14, 2003
I LIKE THE BEAT, BUT I CAN'T DANCE TO IT Trivia Question: What do these songs have in common? AC/DC, "Shot Down In Flames," "Shoot To Thrill," "Dirty Deeds," "Highway To Hell," "Safe In New York City," "TNT," "Hell's Bells" Ad Libs, "The Boy From New York City" Alice In Chains, "Rooster," "Sea Of Sorrow," "Down In A Hole," "Them Bone" Alien Ant Farm, "Smooth Criminal" Animals, "We Gotta Get Out Of This Place" Louis Armstrong, "What A Wonderful World" Bangles, "Walk Like An Egyptian" Barenaked Ladies, "Falling For The First Time" Fontella Bass, "Rescue Me" Beastie Boys, "Sure Shot," "Sabotage" Beatles, "A Day In The Life," "Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds," "Ticket To Ride," "Obla Di, Obla Da" Pat Benatar, "Hit Me with Your Best Shot," "Love Is A Battlefield" Black Sabbath, "War Pigs," "Sabbath Bloody Sabbath," "Suicide Solution" Blood, Sweat & Tears, "And When I Die" Blue Oyster Cult, "Burnin' For You" Boston, "Smokin" Brooklyn Bridge, "Worst That Could Happen" Arthur Brown, "Fire" Jackson Browne, "Doctor My Eyes" Bush, "Speed Kills" Chi-Lites, "Have You Seen Her" Dave Clark Five, "Bits And Pieces" Petula Clark, "A Sign Of The Times" The Clash, "Rock The Casbah" Phil Collins, "In the Air Tonight" Sam Cooke, "Wonder World" Creedence Clearwater Revival, "Travelin' Band" Cult, "Fire Woman" Bobby Darin, "Mack The Knife" Skeeter Davis, "End Of The World" Neil Diamond, "America" Dio, "Holy Diver" Doors, "The End" Drifters, "On Broadway" Drowning Pool, "Bodies" Bob Dylan, "Knockin' On Heaven's Door" Everclear, "Santa Monica" Shelly Fabares, "Johnny Angel" Filter, "Hey Man, Nice Shot" Foo Fighters, "Learn To Fly" Fuel, "Bad Day" Peter Gabriel, "When You're Falling" Gap Band, "You Dropped A Bomb On Me" Godsmack, "Bad Religion" Norman Greenbaum, "Spirit In The Sky" Green Day, "Brain Stew" Guns 'N' Roses, "Knockin' On Heaven's Door" Happenings, "See You In September" Jimi Hendrix, "Hey Joe" Herman's Hermits, "Wonder World" Hollies, "He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother" Buddy Holly & the Crickets, "That'll Be The Day" Jan & Dean, "Dead Man's Curve" Billy Joel, "Only The Good Die Young" Elton John, "Benny & The Jets," "Daniel," "Rocket Man" Judas Priest, "Some Heads Are Gonna Roll" Kansas, "Dust In The Wind" Carole King, "I Feel The Earth Move" Korn, "Falling Away From Me" Lenny Kravitz, "Fly Away"; Led Zeppelin, "Stairway To Heaven" John Lennon, "Imagine" Jerry Lee Lewis, "Great Balls Of Fire" Limp Bizkit, "Break Stuff" Local H, "Bound For The Floor" Los Bravos, "Black Is Black" Lynyrd Skynyrd, "Tuesday's Gone" Dave Matthews Band, "Crash Into Me" Paul McCartney & Wings, "Live And Let Die" Barry McGuire, "Eve Of Destruction" Don McLean, "American Pie" Steve Miller, "Jet Airliner" Megadeth, "Dread And The Fugitive," "Sweating Bullets" John Mellencamp, "Crumbling Down," "I'm On Fire" Martha & the Vandellas, "Nowhere To Run," "Dancing In The Streets" Metallica, "Seek And Destroy," "Harvester Or Sorrow," "Enter Sandman," "Fade To Black" Alanis Morissette, "Ironic" Mudvayne, "Death Blooms" Rick Nelson, "Travelin' Man" Nena, "99 Luft Balloons/99 Red Balloons" Nine Inch Nails, "Head Like A Hole" Oingo Boingo, "Dead Man's Party" Paper Lace, "The Night Chicago Died" John Parr, "St. Elmo's Fire" Peter & Gordon, "I Go To Pieces," "A World Without Love" Peter, Paul, & Mary, "Blowin' In The Wind," "Leavin' On A Jet Plane" Tom Petty, "Free Fallin'" Pink Floyd, "Run Like Hell," "Mother" P.O.D., "Boom" Elvis Presley, "(You're The) Devil In Disguise" Pretenders, "My City Was Gone" Queen, "Another One Bites The Dust," "Killer Queen" Rage Against The Machine, all songs Red Hot Chili Peppers, "Aeroplane," "Under The Bridge" R.E.M., "It's The End Of The World As We Know It" Rolling Stones, "Ruby Tuesday" Mitch Ryder & the Detroit Wheels, "Devil With The Blue Dress" Saliva, "Click Click Boom" Santana, "Evil Ways" Savage Garden, "Crash And Burn" Simon & Garfunkel, "Bridge Over Troubled Water" Frank Sinatra, "New York, New York" Slipknot, "Left Behind," "Wait And Bleed" Smashing Pumpkins, "Bullet With Butterfly Wings" Soundgarden, "Blow Up The Outside World," "Fell On Black Days," "Black Hole Sun" Bruce Springsteen, "I'm On Fire," "Goin' Down," "War" Edwin Starr, "War" Steam, "Na Na Na Na Hey Hey" Cat Stevens, "Peace Train," "Morning Has Broken" Stone Temple Pilots, "Big Bang Baby," "Dead And Bloated" Sugar Ray, "Fly" Surfaris, "Wipeout" System Of A Down, "Chop Suey!" Talking Heads, "Burning Down the House" James Taylor, "Fire And Rain" Temple Of The Dog, "Say Hello To Heaven" Third Eye Blind, "Jumper" Three Degrees, "When Will I See You Again" 3 Doors Down, "Duck and Run" 311, "Down" Tool, "Intolerance" Tramps, "Disco Inferno" U2, "Sunday Bloody Sunday" Van Halen, "Jump," "Dancing In The Streets" J. Frank Wilson, "Last Kiss" Yager & Evans, "In The Year 2525" Youngbloods, "Get Together" Zombies, "She's Not There Answer here. Thursday, March 13, 2003
WHO'D A THUNK IT? Socialist - You believe the free market can be beneficial, but that a large and powerful state is necessary to redistribute the wealth of the top classes to those of the bottom. You also think that basic utilities and trasportation should be publicly owned. Your historical role model is Eugene Debs. Which political sterotype are you? brought to you by Quizilla Thanks to Greg! Wednesday, March 12, 2003
Tuesday, March 11, 2003
MORE ON THE GLOBE John Kerry, with John McLaughlin, in 1993: MCLAUGHLIN: I remember—and maybe this is one of the bases for the “enigma” rap—and that is that you, your name is Kerry. You’re obviously Irish, your dad. KERRY: No, I’m a mixture. MCLAUGHLIN: Well, your father’s Irish. Right? KERRY: No. My father came from Austria. MCLAUGHLIN: Oh, did he? KERRY: Yeah. And I actually came over, what—his grandfather came over originally in 19—gosh, ’10, ’12, somewhere around there. But my grandmother converted from Judaism somewhere in the—I don’t know. We’re still trying to find all the details of it. MCLAUGHLIN: But the name “Kerry” is an Irish name. KERRY: Oh, I presume. Irish, English— MCLAUGHLIN: Does your father have some Irish in him? KERRY: I don’t know the answer to that. We’re looking and I don’t know. More here. Unless something more happens with this, I'm done with it. MARCH MADNESS A while back, Molly and I were waiting to be seated at a sushi restaurant in Brookline, when we noticed a little placard by the cash register. Over the picture of a tow-headed little scamp were the words: Help Josh Fight Leukemia! There was a place for my quarters if I chose to contribute. Some days later, we saw a similar placard in another restaurant, except this time it was little blond Lucy who was fighting Leukemia. Did Leukemia win over poor Josh? Did Lucy stand a chance? Had she gotten a bye in the last round, or had she already triumphed over, say, Mumps and Scabies? If Leukemia beat Lucy, would it have to fight The Rickets or Whooping Cough? If both Josh and Lucy had beaten Leukemia, would they have had to fight each other? (I'd bet on Lucy, actually -- little girls kick for the crotch.) I'm a little out of touch, but I haven't seen the brackets published anywhere. I can only speculate that it is a single-elimination affair. Friday, March 07, 2003
HELLO EVERYONE I am currently a little bit drunk . . . which is sad because it is only 8:07 by the clock on the computer. Molly Twinkelstein is currently cooking something very exciting for us to eat in my little kitchen (a "galley" in realtorspeak). She is beautiful. It's Friday, and while I may go into the office on Sunday for some time, tomorrow is a holiday. I am happy. I love everybody. DEVILS LAUGH AND THEN WIPE THE BEETLES OF YOUR MOTHER Read King Johann's list of favorite insults from the Middle East (not the bar in Cambridge). Use them only for good. Thursday, March 06, 2003
THE GLOBE SUCKS Maybe some of you have been following the offensive story in the pages of the Boston Globe about Senator John Kerry. The Globe, it seems, thought it worthwhile to HIRE A GENEALOGIST to track down Mr. Kerry's ancestry. Guess what? It turns out that Some of Mr. Kerry's forebears (on his father's side, I think), were -- get this -- JEWISH. The Globe prints this shocking information in an Op-ed piece -- despite the fact that it shouldn't really shock anyone in this great Melting Pot nation of ours, and Mr. Kerry has known about his Jewish relations for some time (and has neither made a big deal out of the information nor hidden it, as near as I can tell). When challenged on the newsworthiness of this putrid, racist, wholly unwarranted line of reporting, the Globe has responded by spinning the whole controversy as being Mr. Kerry's fault. Their line of reasoning has been along the lines of "Well WE reported that he was Irish a couple of times in the past decade, and HE never corrected US, so he must be hiding something! He doesn't know who he is! He's a liar!" Note that none of this concerned the Globe before Mr. Kerry became a serious presidential candidate. I don't know Mr. Kerry from a hole in the wall. I do know that I am offended to the quick by this whole affair, and that the Globe is poised to jump off a cliff with this line of "reporting." YOU GO, HELEN THOMAS A brief exchange between Helen "This is the worst president in American history" Thomas and Ari "Mouth of Sauron" Fleischer. Q Ari, since there is an atmosphere of the imminence of war in this White House, and since we have no direct access to the President, will you state for the record, for the historical record, why he wants to bomb Iraqi people? MR. FLEISCHER: Helen, I dispute the premise of your question, first of all. There's regular -- there's regular access to the President. The President is asked questions all the time. And when the President -- Q He hasn't had a press conference for months. MR. FLEISCHER: And when 14 of your colleagues spend 36 minutes asking scores of questions to the President just two days ago -- Q Well, that's not a news conference. MR. FLEISCHER: -- they asked the President a similar question, although they phrased it a little differently than you did. They asked the President why does he feel so strongly about the need to use force, if it comes to that, to disarm Saddam Hussein. And the answer from the President was that, given the fact that the world changed on September 11th, the threat to the American people was brought immediately to our home and to our shores and to our families, the President thinks it is in the interest of peace to make certain that Saddam Hussein does not have weapons of mass destruction which he can use against us, either by transferring them to terrorists or using them himself. Q There is no imminent threat. MR. FLEISCHER: This is where -- Helen, if you were President you might view things differently. But you have your judgment and the President has others. Q Why doesn't he prove it? Why don't you lay it out? When have they threatened in the last 12 years? MR. FLEISCHER: They have attacked their neighbors. They have gassed their own people. Q Twelve years ago. MR. FLEISCHER: They have launched attacks. Q With our support. MR. FLEISCHER: And September 11th showed the United States is vulnerable to those who would attack us. And one of the best ways to protect the homeland is to go after the threats abroad. Q You haven't linked terrorism to Saddam Hussein, in terms of 9/11. MR. FLEISCHER: It's not -- the threat is what took place on 9/11. You don't have to make a direct linkage between Saddam Hussein and 9/11 to know that others who are planning can try to do it again, Saddam Hussein included. Wednesday, March 05, 2003
Monday, March 03, 2003
SOUNDS LIKE So, ever come across a phrase in everyday like that sounds so much like a song lyric that you don't really know that it gets stuck in your head INSTEAD of the lyric? Case in point: Could you imagine that "Lock the Taskbar" (a phrase we were using in computer training) could sound anything like "Rock the Casbah?" Could it be so? ("Sharif he don't like it," dum da dum dum dum. "Lock the taskbar, lock the taskbar.") UPDATE: OK already! It's Casbah! I changed it! Like I said, I don't really know the song! In fact, I don't know much of anything! NOT TO GET TOO POLITICAL So . . . even IF 1. Going to war with Iraq is necessary, AND 2. Now is the time to do so, AND 3. This is so important that we should do it alone if necessary . . . 4. Does ANYONE think that THIS administration is savvy enough about the region, our necessary alliances with other countries, collecting intelligenece abroad and putting it to good use and the infinitely complex politics of being a colonial power (which is what this is all about, take note) to make it work? (Teacher, pick ME! I know the answer!) Personally, I wouldn't trust this administration to organize a two-car funeral. I wouldn't let George Bush water my plants while I was out of town for the week. This is an administration that FORGOT ABOUT Afghanistan when drafting the new budget. This is an administration that publicly betrayed our allies the Kurds in Northern Iraq by agreeing to hand them over to their deadly enemies, the Turks -- and got NOTHING in return. It's saying something when TURKEY is more democratic than we are. Anyone see Hamid Karzai at the White House, pleading with Bush not to dump his devastated country like a vomiting prom date? This is an administration that doesn't put its toys away when its done with them -- either because it forgets or simply because it doesn't see the need. ATTENTION LADIES Want to know what kind of a man he is? A simple test will do: What does he think about: Joan? Janeane? This will reveal much. Interpret the results as you will -- but the more he likes one or both, the better. Sunday, March 02, 2003
SHE'S ALL GROW'D UP In college, my friend Dawn Hrdlica asked for my help with a film class project: a short silent movie. She and I cooked up the idea at the IHOP, and she did the technical bit. I was the star of the film, which was (I think ) about 5 minutes long (or less, possibly). The "idea" of the movie was that I, the new boyfriend of a young woman, am being brought home to meet the family. The "Mom" of the family was played by a woman whose name I don't remember, and the "Dad" was played by Greg (of "Secret Blog" fame). As we all sat down to dinner I am startled to find that someone is playing "footsie" with me under the table. I look up, and the girlfriend is giving me "the eye" (a special gesture involving a knowing grin and the making of "finger pistols"). Seconds later, someone is playing footsie with me, and I look up and find Mom giving me "the eye" in the identical manner. And finally, Dad does the same . . . the room spins, and I wake up in bed with the girlfriend, with several empty liquor bottles lying around. The camera zooms out, and I realize that I'm also in bed with Mom and Dad. At least, that's how it was supposed to go -- I never saw the finished movie. I heard that it was well received. [If this sounds familiar, there was a commercial recently with a similar premise -- for socks, or something. It was long after our little project.] So my "girlfriend" in the film was Dawn's little sister, Denise, who was in high school at the time. I am always shocked when I go home to find that she is now a full-time TV news person on the local Hattiesburg station, WDAM (tiny picture of Denise). Go, Denise. I knew you when . . . Comments by: YACCS |