Planet Carlton

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Friday, January 18, 2008


I have no idea who will win Nevada, of course. I'm for Hillary in the long run, as I've stated. Part of me hopes that Edwards takes it by a whisker, just to shake things up.

And as things turn dirty, and as all these soandsos on DailyKos and elsewhere are just horrified that Ms. Clinton's campaign might be -- heavens -- implicating indirectly the fact that Obama is black, admitted to using drugs, said something nice about Ronald Reagan (for God's sakes, man) . . . to those people I say, buckle up. If Obama wins the nomination, she will have done him a favor. You don't win a Democratic primary by race-baiting the electorate, and she knows that. But he wants to be the "post-race" candidate, the uniter -- if she is implicating race, and some people seem to think she is, the stategy is just to make him talk about it, throwing him off message. And it may work. Horrors.

But you know, if he can't deal with this kind of subtle, arched-eyebrow, tone of voice, veiled-statement-by-surrogate-followed-by-apology kind of semi-assault, he can't take on the Republicans in November. They'll get their machine cranked up and have people claiming he was giving crack to 13 year-old white girls in exchange for anal sex in a mosque while listening to gangster rap.

Comments by: YACCS