Planet Carlton

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Tuesday, February 12, 2008


I voted in our local primary thingie today. It was much quicker and easier than in the midterms, fer sure. For one thing, I took off early from work, and there was no one waiting in line at 3:45. For another, there was just one choice. At the midterms, there was a confusing barrage of initiatives -- and I felt like I should vote on each one, being a good citizen and all. (Not good enough to figure them out before I got there, though). This time, there was just one question.

I voted for Hills, of course. As I've said, If Obama wins, I will vote for him enthusiastically, but with a bit of uncertainty. For whatever reason, I feel like we all know Hillary already -- which is probably why some people don't like her, I know.

It's not looking good for her these days. Today won't knock her out, but she may very well end up losing. I suppose it is approximately a tie right at the moment, but I think her position is eroding while Obama's strengthens. We'll just see. You'll hear it here last.

Comments by: YACCS