Planet Carlton

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Thursday, February 07, 2008


Super Tuesday was . . . oh, you know. The very idea that we would have two excellent, indestructible candidates, and that they would be in a statistical TIE at this point is just awesome. Howard Dean came out the other day and said that, if this went on too much longer, they'd have to work out "an arrangement" betwen the two candidates -- and I assume he means a Clinton/Obama ticket, because she's not backing out any other way. But who knows, really?
(Just to restate: I'm for Hillary, but I'd vote for Obama if it came to that.)

Contrary to what some say (that's the Fox News straw man "some", erected just so I can knock him down), I think this battle is a wonderful thing for the Democrats. How excited are people about this race? Very. I mean, the primary here in Virginia is going to be significant, for once. After every one, you hear stories of lines around the block before the polls open, and shortages of ballots (not a good thing in itself, but a sign). Democrats are fired up. Let it go on for a while.

Republicans are busy booing their presumptive nominee . . .
In his speech before CPAC, McCain noted that he has faced strong criticism
within his party for some of his political stands. He noted that his support of
a failed immigration bill that would eventually allow undocumented immigrants to
get citizenship was not popular with everyone.
Apparently, McCain's stand still evokes bitter feelings within the party as the conservative crowd began to boo the Republican frontrunner when he spoke about immigration.

. . . and I'm laughing my ass off. Sure, they'll eventually realize that they have no other choice but to get behind hin, and they will. But will they have the full-throated bloodlust of the 2008 Democrat? Will McCain raise over $7 million in two days, as BOTH Hills and Obama did this week? I don't think so.

(And yes, I know about the loan. We have yet to see how that shapes up.)

Comments by: YACCS