Planet Carlton

Gentle Reader -- You are welcome to peruse my web-based journal. I assure you that my contributions to this medium will be both infrequent and inconsequential. Read on!

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Wednesday, July 23, 2008


After I posted the last one, I noticed that I actually had some comments on some old stuff. Somebody asked/taunted me about Hillary losing to Obama, and why I'd been so quiet. Believe it or not, they are unrelated phenomena.

Executive summary: Hillary lost, and by the time she dropped out I was ready for her to go. She had all the advantages, and should have won, but she squandered every them all. My thumbnail take on her candidacy was that she let loyalty to longtime staffers (Penn) overwhelm good sense. Maybe I'll write more about that, but I think the moment has passed.

(I do still like her -- she's very smart, tireless, and I believe she really wants most of what could be described as a progressive agenda. And she looked great, especially when she made her concession speech. Loyalty to that stylist, I support. I did not care for her campaign.)

Now, I'm fully on the Obama love train. If I start doing this again, there will certainly be more on this topic.

Comments by: YACCS